2013-2014 Africa Road show of LandwindMedical
Do you know?
Only 59% of newborns in Upper Egypt haveaccess to take medical assistance.
Approximately 9,659 Nigerian women peryear die of cervical cancer.
In Ethiopia, the CVD mortality rateis 530.3 per 100,000 women.
Due to the low level of healthcareeducation and technologies, shortage of medicines and healthcare professionals,etc, Africa has already faced substantial health issues for a long while, especiallyin the western and eastern Africa. Asrecently reported by World Health Organization, 19 out of the 20 highest maternalmortality rates countries in the world are from Africa, and African neonatalmortality rate also ranks the first in the world.
Since the beginning of Landwind Medicaloverseas operation, we’ve attached great importance to the development ofmedical services in Africa. Landwind Medical devices have exported to more than30 African countries over the past years, bringing high efficient andaffordable medical services to Africa and gospel to the local population, whichhappens to coincide with the proposition of WHO that everyone should have easyaccess to health services and should not be broken because of paying the bill.
From November 3, 2013, LandwindMedical has dispatched 2ultrasound team to Libya and Nigeria to carry out a two-monthAfrican Road show. They will visit nearly 10 African countries and 30 regionsas planned, in the meanwhile, our 4D Color Doppler Ultrasound with newest operatingsystem and new generation of LCD monitor ultrasound scanner and palm-size touchscreen ultrasound scanner will be demonstrated. During the road show, Landwind Medicalwould work together with our local partners and healthcare organizations and makecontributions to improve the healthcare situation for African mothers and children.
A healthy Africa begins with healthy mothers;healthy children are the hopes of Africa. Taking care of African Mothers and Children, we are in action.